Monday, December 23, 2013

Celtic Solstice Mystery Quilt, part 4

Something short this week, I think, because I want to get back to sewing! I seem to be one of those odd ones out, and, now that Christmas week is upon us, I now seem to have extra time, rather than less. Yea!

The kids are occupied on their computers. Husband came down with a 24-hr. stomach bug (but is better now), and Ma Nature decided to deliver a Winter Wonderland snowstorm to the Mid-West, so we weren't going out even if we wanted to. I decided to ignore the housework and sew up my own little storm.
The view outside my sewing room

This week, Bonnie had us making 4-patch units for the Celtic Solstice Mystery Quilt. I was so eager to get started, that I forgot that we were supposed to strip-piece these to save time. Oops. Instead I cut my blue and raspberry strips, and then layered them onto my QuiltCut2.

In record time I had stacks of paired squares all ready for sewing.

Soft fabric, warm fabric, makes me want to purr. Put you through my sewing machine. Whir! Whir! Whir!

I also took the time to cut more pieces for step 1. Now I've got plenty to choose from as I chain piece away.

The end result? In one day, I've got half my 4-patches done, and another third of the triangle in a square units and all of the pinwheels sewn. Yea! If I can get another couple of days like this one this week, I'll be one happy camper.

Julia, one of my Celtic Solstice quilting buddies on Facebook, was playing with the C.S. units in Electric Quilt 7 and came up with a design idea that she shared with the group. Here it is using some of the units that I've made. Beautiful idea, Julia!

Julia's design idea

Bonnie will have us make one or two more unit types before she shows us how to put them together and makes the big reveal. I'm guessing that one of them might be something like 'birds in the air.' There's a large half square triangle that's part of the Inklingo Celtic Solstice shapes package, and it would fit perfectly with the 100 HST units that we made (OK, I haven't made mine yet!) as part of Clue #3. Or, they may be used for something completely different. We'll see what she shares with us next Friday.

Birds in the Air blocks

In the mean time, I hope that everyone has a happy and safe winter holiday. We've passed the darkest day of the year, and I predict brighter days ahead for everyone.  :-)

Winter sunrise on December 18, 2013. 4° F. Brrr!!

Happy sewing!

If you'd like to see more of what everyone else has been up to with Celtic Solstice, the check out Bonnie's link-up page!


  1. Love your pattern!!! I usually say I don't want to see anyones idea on how the mystery will turn out. I want to be surprised but this is amazing. Thanks for sharing. Happy quilting.

  2. I was thinking the same thing for Bonnie's next clue! What else could we be doing with those 100 extra HST! Great minds think alike! :) Have a great holiday!

  3. I like what I'm seeing with your Celtic Solstice. And your guess is as good as mine in how the blocks will all come together. The 'Birds in the Air' unit does seem to be a good fit!!! But where? Maybe the border?

  4. Your colors look great in Julia's idea. I am anxious to see what Bonnie has planned. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the colours you're using!! That layout is really intriguing as is your idea about what might be coming next.

  6. Oh I had to laugh as I was trying to figure out the missing block from the Inklingo pieces too, you have chosen some very fun colors, very good job!!

  7. You've been on a mission - congrats of getting so much done! Love your colors!
    Need to do so myself and get all things mystery completed. Thanks for sharing the block lay-out - will see what Bonnie dreamed up for the next step(s). Merry Christmas!

  8. Your configuration looks very nice. How smart of you to have the Inklingo and know what shape must be next. You never know what Bonnie will have us doing. Your clues look very nice. I like the color change.

  9. I like the way you laid out the blocks, your colors are fantastic, I can't wait to see your finished quilt!

  10. Ooooh, I like your sample layout and colors so much I added your link to my blog.

  11. Your fabric choices look great! I'm guessing the same next part as you - I'm thinking the large triangle will be blue (purple for you?) and the two smaller ones neutral (black for you?).

    Unfortunately on this side of the world, the solstice just means our days will get shorter now.

    Your trial layout looks great - I can hardly wait to see what Bonnie has up her sleeve!

  12. Your mystery is coming along splendidly!

  13. That's an awesome guess as to the block layout (and your fabrics look great in that setting!)

  14. The EQ7 design idea is awesome! Your colors have a southwest feel . . . very nice. Good luck with the mystery quilt - I know yours will be gorgeous!
